A love like this... you can try and try and try. It will not be broken.
Even when the greatest separation comes in and tries to yank it apart.
Yes, even death cannot steal the love that abounds between me and my dad's heart.
I can't see you anymore, but I know where you are.
I can't touch you anymore, but I know you aren't far.
You are there. You're in that place where there is no sad, no tears, no pain.
You're in that place where all sorrow is washed away and Jesus did yesterday, does today and will forever reign.
I miss you, Pops. Miss you indeed.
But there ain't nothing like being with the King of kings.
There is a love that even with a plethora of words you cannot define.
I have it known it with you Dad, and now as you stand in the throneroom of God you can say,