Today, more than most days, I feel Heaven like a crashing wave.
Knocks me down with all its power, surrounds me like a cave.
Today, more than most days, I hear voices deep in my soul.
The mighty sound of saints before, like thieves my doubt they stole.
Today, more than most days, I know my help comes from beyond the hills.
God Almighty, in all His power, my pains and aches He steals.
Today, more than most days, I'm reminded that I cannot be shaken.
The enemy thought he could tear me down. Oh, was he mistaken!
Today, more than most days, hope pumps within my blood.
Heaven throws hope from on high and it hits me like a flood.
Today, more than most days, love overwhelms my heart.
Jesus whispers in my ear and each breath is a new start.
Today, more than most days, I sense God's presence all around me.
The Maker of the universe stands right next to me as if it pleases Him to astound me.
Well, I'm astounded.
You've got my feet so deep in your truth, I'm grounded.
Yeah, I'm astounded.
I couldn't turn away from you no matter how good the deal sounded.
Lord, I'm astounded.
When my heart was lost, you found it.
I set my hope on you.
You're not an idea. You're the Truth.
I set my gaze on your glory.
I'm wrapped up in your story.
I set my heart on your throne.
So thankful for the Seed you have sown.
Jesus, I'm yours.
As long as I keep my face turned up, my spirit soars.
I'll soar high above this world's troubles with You.
With my life, Lord, I hope I'm saying, "I love you, too."