If only He knew I had to turn a deaf ear in order to make Him great.
I know He thinks He I am gone from Him because He is numb with pain.
If only He know I had to reject Him in order to accept you in your shame.
I know He thinks I've abandoned Him because He can no longer hear my voice.
If only He knew I had to shut up in order to give you Salvation's choice.
I know He thinks I've turned my back on Him because He can no longer feel my touch.
If only He knew I had to walk away from Him because I love you so very much.
I know He thinks I can no longer hear Him because He screams out loud at the sky.
If only He knew how proud I was. My holy and royal Son, for sinners, would die.
I know He thinks I can longer see Him because I've let them beat Him beyond measure.
If only He knew in only three days He would enter into His greatest treasure.
I know He thinks I no longer love Him because of the nails ripping through His skin.
If only He knew because of His obedience, He was wiping away the world's sin.
I know He thinks I have left Him because He hangs like a murderer to die.
But I know my Son will soon see I never left, not for one second, as I am living on the inside.
I live inside of Him, His motivation to endure the cross.
I live inside of Him. All will be gain, my Son! All will be gain that You have lost!
I live inside of Him, His ability to say, "Forgive them" as they beat nails through His wrists.
I live inside of Him, His ability to love them as they disfigure His face with their fists.
I live inside of Him, His perseverance to not die until it is finished.
I live inside of Him. In all of His misery, not one single person did He diminish!
I live inside of Him, His courage to remain on the cross when He could call angels to slay His opposition.
I live inside of Him, His supernatural strength to complete His impossible mission.
Jesus, my Son. If He only knew.
On the other side of His agony would be a forgiven, a holy, and a sinless YOU.