Sunday, December 25, 2011

Unto Us A Child Was Born

He was prophesied about and then he came. 
His whole story, every detail, was to change the world. It'll never be the same. 
He was talked about in ancient texts and then he arrived and the angels did sing. 
This little baby made hell scared knowing salvation He'd bring. 
Satan plotted, conspired, and planned. 
He got the cross ready. He had the gates of hell manned. 
This baby grew and through a sinless life earned the title, "Spotless lamb."
The devil hated who he grew to be and deceived many to believe he was nothing more than a scam.
How wrong they were! Wrong indeed!
It is fact. The baby, this spotless lamb was the King of kings. 
As a baby, he cried pure tears and as a 33 year old man, hanging on the cross, he did the same.
Submitting Himself to death so our souls He could reclaim. 
Hell shook and Heaven rejoiced as Jesus took the keys.
From now on, eternally, we say that name, and all of hell flees. 
A baby no more, but rather a resurrected king. 
A man on a cross no more, but rather our eternal master, who still today, salvation He brings. 
He was born, he lived, he died and he lives again and He has saved us. 
So, I'll say this and hope you understand it in its full meaning, Merry Christmas. 

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