Saturday, November 8, 2014

Your Seat Over There

How is your seat over there?
How is it knowing you cannot touch me, but can only bitterly stare? 

Oh, how much you must hate me. Knowing you cannot trap me, beat me, cage me. 

How is your seat over there?
How is it knowing He walks with me despite my sin? How unfair! 

Oh, how much you must loathe me. Knowing you're powerless as His glory does clothe me. 

How you demons must cringe!
Knowing that the door of His majesty you can never unhinge! 

How much you must hiss and spit as jealousy rushes over you like a flood. Knowing you can never stand close to the innocent, precious blood. 

I can hear you growl and curse. 
Your anger burns because He loved me first. 

No matter how much you may hate it, you can't change it. 
Your will isn't permitted by His. You can't rearrange it. 

Take your place in your seat over there! Sit, cringe, scream, bark and glare. 

Just be sure to obey His voice,
"Do not touch one single hair." 
Listen closely,
"You're not welcome over there!"

1 comment:

  1. To thee upon the chair,
    oh kind one so fair,
    such beautiful hair.
    Truth from "rowbair"
