Tuesday, June 14, 2016


We live in a world where evil can possess a man to riddle masses of people with bullets.
We live in a world where if someone doesn’t agree with one’s belief system, they’ll put a gun to their head, place their finger on the trigger, and pull it.

We live in a country where women and children are loaded into trucks like store product and transported through our states.
We live in a country where those women and children are sold to be hidden, beaten, and raped.

We live in a city where an 11-year-old can walk home from school and be stabbed by a stranger to his death.
We live in a city where a man takes the place of God in believing he should choose when you breathe your last breath.

We live in a world where children are mentally and physically abused in their own homes and are urged to stay silent.
We live in a world where the souls of countless people are screaming for help, but their mouths stay quiet.

We live in a country where we don’t have to get out of our air-conditioned cars to get food and to get drink.
We live in a country that lives blindly to the fact that someone dies every four seconds from hunger. Does that make your heart sink?

We live in a society where everything is debated, down to whether an individual is male or female.
We live in a society where movie and music stars are heroes, and those that die for our freedom get lost in the details.

We live in a world where people who stand stubbornly for their opinions are still incredibly confused.
We live in a world where when evil things should sicken us, we find ourselves amused.

We live in a place where these very words will offend you because, regardless of the truth, it’s not what you see.
We live in a place where because I said something you don’t agree with, I should have to say, “I’m sorry.”

So, in this world, of what can we be certain? Is there anything in this world that is absolutely true?
I guess this question can only be answered in the moment you look in the mirror and see you.

Despite your opinions and your ideas, do you truly value the lives of others?
Despite race or skin color, when you look at people do you see sisters and brothers?

Do you know well that homosexuals, heterosexuals, and every label in between bleed just like you? Red blood.
Or do you look at those that are different from you and see pigs playing in the mud?

Do you fight to save those that are dying of hunger or those that are sex slaves?
Or are you too busy screaming your opinion while you do nothing but help dig their graves?

Instead of brawling to be right, let’s seek to do good.
Instead of going to war for our opinions, beliefs, and theories, let’s just do what we should.

Instead of getting the last word and winning the debate,
Turn to love, seek to understand, relinquish your hate.

Instead of using a hashtag or updating your profile picture about prayer,
Actually get on your knees before God on the behalf of others because you genuinely care.

Treat every person you meet like it could be his or her last day to live. Treat them with compassion.
Live everyday like it’s your last day to live. Wear love like it’s in fashion.

So, of what can we be certain in a world of uncertainty? Love never fails.
Hatred will lose. Opinions will falter. But Love! Love always avails!

Do you see the hungry? Feed them!
Do you hear the slaves? Free them!

Do you see the lost? Lead them!
Do you hear the forgotten? Heed them!

Do you see the abused? Defend them!
Do you hear the broken? Mend them!

Silence your opinions, and turn up the volume on your grace.
Live your convictions. Stop screaming about them until your red in the face.

Let’s not say that we’re praying when we know that we’re not.
In our rooms, in silence, let’s speak to God on behalf of others, as we ought.

Let’s not preach about love and have nothing to show for it.
Let’s love so extravagantly that even the evilest of hates can’t ignore it.  

There is right, and there is wrong, but let’s not fight to be right.
Fight to be a beacon of hope in a hopeless world. Fight to be a light!

Climb up the hill where hatred and judgment have never made it to the top.
On your way up, though a very hard hill to climb, bitter resentment will drop.

Let's climb up the hill where love cannot be hidden or ignored.
Let's climb up in the face of hate and watch the unthinkable be restored.


  1. What an Awesome message so perfectly worded.

  2. Beautiful message comment from Aunt Yvonne, I don't know how to sign on here.
