Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Last night I stared up at the pitch black sky and I stared deep.
After about five minutes I was overwhelmed by the audience I felt staring back at me.

My body felt like it would hit the ground and my spirit almost leapt out of my clay form to jump and dance around.

I was struck. Arrested. My body would not move.
To this audience, although the most powerful thing I've ever felt, I had nothing to prove.

My eyes were glued to the sky even though all I could see was black.
I knew. I know I was looking at more than that.

I was frozen as I stood.
With my chin held high I was looking at all that is good.

My heart began to beat hard in my chest.
My hands slowly made their way toward the sky and I confessed.

"Father, I believe."


  1. love it
    thanks jade i messed reading your blogs

  2. I believe! I love the moments that are just between my Father and I.
