Saturday, February 12, 2011

Make Life.

Raise your voice and sing out of tune.
Go outside and throw a piece of your heart at the moon.
Nod your head and tap your foot when a song comes on.
Quit being bashful when you get the chance to sing along!
Talk to God and believe your face shines before Him brighter than the stars.
Write a note and tie it to a balloon and know the message will go beyond mars. 
Give somebody a card for no reason.
Give it everything you've got even if you feel like it's not your season.
Pet your puppy behind the ears and buy them a treat.
Try to give a piece of your heart to every person you meet. 
Close your eyes and tell Heaven, "Hi."
Let someone be mean. Smile at them and pass them by.
Text someone and tell them you love that they exist.
Stop. Look at the sun, the sky, the creation and say, "Can't no other god do this!"
Take someone out and pay for their lunch.
Listen a lot.  Compliment them a bunch. 
Find someone who is in need
and even though you don't have it perfect, refuse greed.

Wave at people when they pass you on a walk or riding their bike.
Get over your biggest fear. Get on the stage and take the mic.

Bake someone cookies just because you can.
Go outside and pick a flower simply to place it someone else's hand. 
Write someone a letter and send it in the mail.
Act like Jesus and make the devil suffer in Hell. 
Put a gift in a bag and hang it on someone's doorknob.
Create a unique piece out of something that was once nothing but a blob.
Smile at every child you ever meet.
Make a masterpiece out of a blank sheet.
Laugh more than you cry.
Do more than you ask why.
Shout more than you yell.
Listen more than you tell.
Smile more than you frown.
Look up more than you look down.
Climb a mountain or a dirt pile at the end of the street.
Don't be such a girl! Get mud on your feet!
Dip your hands in paint and splash it across the planet.
Make this place so colorful, our enemies can't stand it.
Buy something for someone and leave it out for them to find when they wake up.
Don't be so predictable. SHAKE UP!
In a nutshell...